Tuesday 11 September 2012

Welcome to Popcorn Culture!

Hi, my name is Paddy and I'm an avid fan of film and other visual media. I live in Australia and I started this blog because I wanted a forum to discuss my views and thoughts about movies, television, music videos and other texts in the visual medium that interested me. However, as stated above, I have no formal education in the subject so my posts should in no way be seen as academic or formal in nature. Rather, I see myself as a lay commentator who is addicted to the escapism that the immersion in visual spaces can allow. A film doesn't end for me once I walk out of the cinema or turn of the DVD, the text always occupies a space in my mind and I find myself discussing, theorising and reformulating it. Hopefully this blog will coherently convey these thoughts and stimulate further discussion about films and other visual texts that are close to you.

1 comment:

  1. You write very eloquently, not like the lay person you refer to. Welcome to the blog world :)
